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The difference between a good death and a bad one

01 May 2009

Nursing Standard


Reading Jacqui Furneaux’s reflection on positive palliative care practice in New Zealand (career development May 6), I was reminded of the recent deaths of two close...

Support for burns will not help HVs

11 March 1992

Nursing Standard


There may well be support for HVA General Secretary Catherine Burns as she faces calls for her resignation, but am convinced that this does not constitute support...

Practice nurse education - a regional response

01 May 1994

Primary Health Care


North East Thames RHA set up a steering group in 1991 with a membership representing practice nurses, GPs, educationalists and FI ISA managers. The group s remit was...

When things go wrong

01 October 1997

Mental Health Practice

Practical issues

I first became involved in independent investigations into the care and treatment of people with mental illnesses who have committed acts of homicide when I managed...