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Make creative skills a core element of education

20 August 2003

Nursing Standard


It was stimulating and interesting to read how student nurse Romuladus Azuine used her creative skills (perspectives August 6).

Justus Akinsanya will long be remembered

13 September 2005

Nursing Standard


Justus Akinsanya (obituary August 24) and I trained together from 1959 to 1962 at Crumpsall Hospital, Manchester. He was an intelligent, generous, kind person with a...

Our SHA supports clinical leadership

30 June 2004

Nursing Standard


I was surprised and disappointed by the story ‘RCN worried by end of "vital" nursing post’ (news June 2),

Man about the house

12 June 1991

Nursing Standard

Viewpoint working fathers

As I completed my nurse training, my wife began her midwifery course. To facilitate this, we swapped over our usual roles, allowing me what I believed to be the...

Elderly care wards are still needed

03 June 1992

Nursing Standard


We now read almost every day in the press about cruelty and neglect in nursing and rest homes around the country.