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Striking a chord

20 January 1999

Nursing Standard


LIKE MOST commissions, it was established to get a government off the hook - in this case the Irish government, threatened with a national strike by the country’s...

Pay claim up in Eire

11 November 1998

Nursing Standard

News analysis

‘ITS TIME to pay our nurses more.’ So said a leading Irish national newspaper, Ireland on Sunday, reflecting the high level of editorial and public support for the...

Irish questions'

13 October 1999

Nursing Standard


WHEN BUSINESS is booming and the till is stuffed with cash, it's difficult to argue convincingly that you can’t afford to meet the pay expectations of the staff you...

The Irish question

26 May 1999

Nursing Standard

Analysis: midwifery

DOMICILIARY midwife Ann Kelly has an impressive CV. She has delivered more than 400 babies - some in the frozen wastes of Alaska and some in the stifling heat of...

Irish nurses on the verge of strike action

04 November 1998

Nursing Standard


A NATIONAL strike by 30,000 nurses in the Irish Republic has moved significantly closer after the Irish Nurses’ Organisation (INO) delegates voted for immediate...

Counting the costs

30 July 2003

Nursing Standard


The parents of two-year-old Roisin Ruddle brought her almost 200 miles from Limerick to Dublin for heart surgery at Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children last month,...

Birth rights

18 February 2004

Nursing Standard

Nursing the future

THEY CROWDED round the entrance to the Irish supreme court in Dublin, in an impressive display of mother power. They had brought their babies in striking testimony...

Irish nurses set to strike

08 May 1996

Nursing Standard


THE IRISH Republic’s 26,000 nurses have rejected overwhelmingly a pay deal worth £35 million, described as the government’s final offer, making the first national...

Ethical dilemma over ‘right to die’

09 August 1995

Nursing Standard


Nurses in Ireland are facing up to a major ethical dilemma after the country’s Supreme Court ruled that a feeding system can be withdrawn from a semi-comatose woman...

Strikes nearer for Irish nurses

13 September 1995

Nursing Standard


Members of the Irish Nurses’ Organisation are to vote on strike action unless satisfactory progress has been made on its claim for increased pay and an early...