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Cover picture ‘too scary’

01 November 2009

Mental Health Practice


I believe the cover of the October issue of Mental Health Practice was not properly thought through. The premise of the accompanying article is that the concept of...

Experience counts in teaching as well

25 November 1998

Nursing Standard


Sally Thompson says that teaching is not attracting ‘bright young things’ (News November 4). Does she mean the sort who get into management or teaching three years...

Not trivial

28 November 1987

Nursing Standard


With regard to the article in Nursing Standard week ending November 7, involving the incident with Miss M Storey, RCN President, in her capacity as Area Health...

Alternative venues

19 February 1989

Nursing Standard


I read with interest Miss Fiona Wilkinson's letter inNursing Standard, (week ending February 4, 1989).