Results 1 - 10 of 62 Search Tips

Finding the right key

01 May 1993

Elderly Care

Computers in nursing

I want to write something inflammatory: all nurses who use computers should also learn to type. There, I wrote it. It looks fairly bland in black and white but those...

Unspoken meanings: qualitative research and multi-media analysis

01 September 1995

Nurse Researcher

Issues in research

The use of interviews as qualitative data collection methods is common in nursing, nurse education and social science research (1, 2). Once interviews have been...

Constructing Grounded Theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis

01 June 2006

Nurse Researcher

Book Review

The grounded theory approach to doing qualitative research in nursing has become very popular in recent years. I confess to never really having understood Glaser and...

Dead letter

10 June 1998

Nursing Standard


IT IS possible that reports of the ‘death of the book’ have, like the death of Mark Twain, been greatly exaggerated. Except, of course, that Mark Twain did die. So...

Communication Skills - Identifying Underlying Anxiety

08 July 1998

Nursing Standard


This well packaged and easy to install program is intended to be used by nursing students to explore communicating with a patient - called ‘Constance’. On screen...


01 July 2005

Nurse Researcher


Philip Burnard introduces three articles on one of the most crucial aspects of data gathering: interviewing

Keep one foot on solid ground

01 April 2010

Nurse Researcher


During his long career in research, Philip Burnard has made a considerable contribution to the nursing literature. One of his more recent books is entitled Research...

Counselling as liberation

02 September 1989

Nursing Standard


Counselling involves many things: talking, listening, helping, befriending - to' name but a few. Many nurses are appreciating that part of their role is that of...

Learning to care for the spirit

30 January 1990

Nursing Standard

Clinical spirituality

Nurses care for all aspects of the person. Yet many would accept that to talk of a person is to talk of a being who has biological, psychological, sociological and...

Thoughts about theories

14 February 1990

Nursing Standard

Soapbox education

Nursing, as ever, is changing. Project 2000, primary nursing, nursing development units - all of these things are new. One issue that doesn't go away is the call for...