Results 1 - 10 of 13 Search Tips

Special Needs First Aid Training Pack

01 December 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

One of the aims of this pack, developed by the British Red Cross, is to ‘empower people with disabilities and special needs … by providing both life saving skills...

Brothers and sisters of disabled children

01 June 2004

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

This is an important book which helps to identify and address the needs of an often-neglected group. In his introduction the author says he was inspired to write the...

Equity of access

26 May 2004

Nursing Standard


I would like to thank all those nurses attending RCN congress in Harrogate for giving the learning disability forum’s resolution 100 per cent support. The resolution...

Learning aides

23 October 2002

Nursing Standard


IT IS NOW recognised that a learning disability is not an illness and, for that reason, social models of care are predominant. Moves away from institutional care...

The power of exchange

01 December 2002

Learning Disability Practice


It is often said that the world seems to be getting smaller and opportunities for travel and exploration are getting greater. None the less, our knowledge of service...

Inclusion, partnership and innovation

01 July 2002

Learning Disability Practice

News feature

May 31 was an important day for learning disability nurses within Wales. At a conference held in mid Wales Jane Hutt. Welsh Assembly government minister for health...

Let’s get political

01 February 2003

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

It feels as if learning disability nursing has always been going through great changes. Thinking back to Briggs (DHSS 1972), Jay (DHSS 1979), Cullen (1991) and Sines...

Chris’s story: continuing life’s journey

01 December 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Sevices for people with a learning disability have changed radically over the past 30 years. The move from predominantly segregated institutional settings to smaller...

Access to health and social care services and information

09 June 2010

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Aim The aim of this study was to explore carers’ perceptions of their ability to access a range of health and social care services, including information about the...

This has to stop

05 July 2011

Nursing Standard


The BBC’s recent Panorama documentary, Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed, showed highly distressing scenes of people with learning disabilities being abused in a...