Results 1 - 10 of 16 Search Tips

Leadership matters

11 November 2015

Mental Health Practice


I BECAME ward manager at Partnerships in Care’s The Spinney hospital in 2012 after five years as a ward-based staff nurse and a period as charge nurse there. While I...

‘Catch it, encode it and measure it’

01 July 2005

Nurse Researcher


Donna Mead, Head of School, School of Care Sciences, University of Glamorgan, explains how her early experiences as a ward sister gave her the drive and...

Using nursing initiatives to encourage the use of research

31 January 1996

Nursing Standard


The International Council of Nurses has chosen as its theme for Nurses’ Day 1996 ‘Better Health Through Nursing Research’. It is not surprising that there is an...

Asthma, children and physical exercise

30 May 1990

Nursing Standard

Clinical asthma

Traditionally an asthmatic child is portrayed as one who is exempted from physical exercise at school, one who avoids sports or exercise in his or her leisure time...

An evaluation tool for primary nursing

25 September 1991

Nursing Standard

Clinical primary nursing

The research described in this article relates to an attetnpt to develop a tool which enables analysis of the way primary nursing is being implemented in wards. A...

Considerations in using the Delphi approach: design, questions and answers

01 July 2001

Nurse Researcher


There are many pitfalls to the Delphi approach which can lead researchers to produce invalid results. The type of questions asked and the scale of responses is one...

The use of the Delphi as a research approach

01 July 2001

Nurse Researcher


The Delphi approach is a means of tapping the knowledge, expertise or opinions of a category of people who have been defined as having specialist knowledge,...

Research-based measurement tools in the audit process: issues of use, validity and reliability

01 March 1996

Nurse Researcher


The National Health Service is in a period of extensive reform. Value for money is now a key objective. As a consequence, audit has become a widely used concept and...

Developing nursing research in a contract-driven arena: inequities and iniquities

25 October 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Despite the need for nursing to become more evidence-based, there are a number of problems regarding developing nursing research.

Working with the stories nurses tell

21 April 1993

Nursing Standard

Clinical ethics

Story-telling may have been overlooked as an educational and therapeutic technique in nursing’s drive for scientific excellence. In the first of two articles, the...