Results 1 - 8 of 8 Search Tips

Achieving full potential

01 June 2007

Emergency Nurse


Health care delivery is changing rapidly, and NHS staff must adapt to this change to meet the needs of their patients and clients.

Keeping cool

01 July 2007

Emergency Nurse


This year we experienced the warmest April in the UK in more than 300 years, while this summer, despite the rain, is predicted by some analysts to be one of the...

Using case study research as a rigorous form of inquiry

30 May 2014

Nurse Researcher

Student experience

Aim To describe how case study research (CSR) was used inductively as an all-encompassing theoretical framework to examine learning in the workplace. Background Case...

Making a difference through research

14 September 2015

Nurse Researcher


JILL MABEN OBE is professor of nursing research at King’s College London (KCL). Until recently she was director of the National Nursing Research Unit (NNRU) at the...

Exploring the application and significance of case study research in nursing

11 July 2024

Nurse Researcher

case study research

Background Case study research (CSR) has gained popularity across disciplines due to its ability to provide detailed insights into specific phenomena. Aim To explore...

Using the Relating to Older People Evaluation tool to measure ageism in higher education

15 May 2019

Nursing Older People

technology-enabled care

Background The global population is ageing and this trend is expected to continue. Attitudes towards older people differ worldwide. Ageism is a complex, multifaceted...

Nursing students’ experiences of, and socialisation in, dementia care in the acute hospital setting

05 May 2021

Nursing Older People


Background An ageing population with a range of co-morbidities means the number of hospital admissions of older people with dementia is increasing. People with...

Delivering the annual immunisation update to primary care staff via live online learning

22 September 2021

Primary Health Care

Online learning

During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, in many areas training for primary care staff could not take place face-to-face in a traditional classroom...