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Constipation and faecal Incontinence

01 February 1990

Elderly Care

Bowel disorders

When people say that they are constipated they may mean one of two things - either that their bowels are opened less frequently than they think they ought to be or...

Restoring health

01 July 1989

Elderly Care

Restoring health

Clinical presentation and management of many diseases in old people are different from those in the young, and usually far more complex. Indeed this is one of the...


01 October 1989

Elderly Care


Incontinence of urine is one of the major presenting symptoms in old age. This is because ageing leads to some impairment of bladder control. This results in many...

After the fall

01 September 1989

Elderly Care


One of the things which distinguishes medicine in old age from medicine in younger people is the presentation of many illnesses under one or more of four major...

Mental confusion

01 November 1989

Elderly Care


Mental confusion may mean impairment of memory which may be slight and hard to distinguish from the normal memory loss of advancing age, or it may be profound. It...

Bone disease in the elderly

01 January 1990

Elderly Care


There are a small number of conditions which become more common with advancing age and which seem to fall in a borderland between biological ageing and disease. The...

Urinary infection in old age

01 March 1990

Elderly Care

Urinary infection

Infected urine is common in old age, particularly in women. There have been many studies of its prevalence in people at different ages and Figure 1 shows findings...

Specialists for sale

01 October 1995

Primary Health Care

GP Fundholding

It seems as if the future viability of specialist nursing services may depend more on fundholding GPs and their business managers than on the nursing profession...

Laxatives and faecal incontinence in long-term care

15 September 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Nurses are increasingly being asked to extend or expand their traditional roles, often for reasons other than their own professional development. This study, across...

Laxatives and faecal incontinence in long term care

01 August 1998

Nursing Older People

Continence care

The prevalence of constipation among elderly people is difficult to estimate. It is generally accepted as being no greater among community dwelling elders than among...