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Evidence based ear care

01 October 2000

Primary Health Care


Removal of ear wax is the most common ENT procedure performed in general practice (Sharp et al 1990). It is within the remit of the nurse-led clinic in either the...

Review of the literature of ear care

01 November 2000

Primary Health Care


THERE HAS BEEN A RECENT INCREASE IN THE availability of literature regarding ear care. A common theme is the lack of training and support many community nurses have...

Ear care guide unveiled

01 November 2002

Primary Health Care

Ear care

The Action on ENT programme was started in 2000 to address perceived shortcomings in the provision of ENT services in meeting targets in the NHS Plan. As well as...

Caring for older adults with hearing loss

01 November 2011

Nursing Older People


This article discusses hearing impairment and the frequency with which it occurs in older adults. Anatomy and physiology of the ear are examined. Categories of...

Provision of ear care in the primary care setting

01 December 2000

Primary Health Care


Hilary Harkin and Francis Vaz conducted a small study into ear care and training for practice nurses and found that the nurse trained in ear care can make a...

Aural care in the primary setting

01 March 1999

Primary Health Care


Working in the ENT department can lead you to believe that ear care is not a priority in the primary setting. Patients are referred with minor ear complaints that...