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Results 1 - 5 of 5 Search Tips

Acting the part

01 April 2006

Nursing Management


The implementation of two key policies highlighted the need to support nurses and midwives to challenge colleagues effectively. To overcome the difficulties this...

Caring for the bereaved

01 April 2008

Nursing Management


IN 2005, the complaints department at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) found that 15 per cent of complaints concerned the support and...

Implementing nutrition screening

01 June 2006

Nursing Management


A REVIEW of documentation at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, carried out as part of the trust’s governance strategy, revealed that more than five...

The right person

10 January 1990

Nursing Standard


I have read with much interest the recent lively debate on the administration of IV drugs. Initiated by Dr Bird's letter (Nursing Standard November 15-21) it appears...

Preparing parents for going home

01 May 1997

Paediatric Nursing

Information giving clinical

Nurses are aware of the need to provide parents and children with appropriate information in a form they can understand. Information leaflets explaining medical...