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Integrating qualitative and quantitative data analysis

01 May 1997

Nurse Researcher

Qualitative data analysis

Few texts on quantitative research pay any attention to qualitative analysis (1, 2). Similarly, few books on qualitative analysis explore the potential of its...

The primary health care non-team?

01 February 1995

Nursing Management


Is the trend towards increasing teamwork in primary care the right move for the wrong reason - right because primary healthcare workers need to work together...

A practical guide to nursing and healthcare research

01 September 1994

Nursing Management


Aimed to provide novices with basic signposts for navigating through the research maze, this publication covers the who, what, where, why and when of getting into...

Forging links between academe and practice through research

27 March 1996

Nursing Standard


One of the features of the ‘new’ health service is increased attention to research. It is as if the world is catching up with the oft quoted but otherwise ignored...