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Results 1 - 5 of 5 Search Tips

My mental health

01 April 2008

Mental Health Practice


A bout ten years ago, I was driving the six miles to my work, as a registered mental nurse on an adult acute admission ward. Suddenly, I had an overwhelming desire...

Gainful employment

01 May 2010

Mental Health Practice


AS CHILDREN, we were asked what we would like to be when we grew up, and as adults, it is work that tends to define us. This continues even after we retire, as we...

Give service users the full menu

01 November 2009

Mental Health Practice


HAVE YOU ever thought: ‘If the service users I work with had the choice and the means to purchase the support or care that they need would they buy it from me?’ This...

Voices - Time to chart a new course

01 November 2008

Mental Health Practice


At last, England has a well-resourced campaign aimed at challenging stigma and discrimination in the mental health field. The ‘Time to Change’ programme was launched...

Social inclusion begins at home

01 May 2009

Mental Health Practice


I HAVE just returned from a short working trip to Australia as part of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMLH) exchange and conference...