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How can you smile when you are being abused?

25 July 2006

Nursing Standard

Nursing standard

I am writing in response to the debate about smiling more at work (news June 28, letters July 12). There are times when patients can be verbally and physically...

Is the physical restraint of clients ever entirely safe?

01 February 2011

Mental Health Practice


THE DARZI report (Department of Health (DH) 2008) identifies particular patient safety events that, being ‘preventable’, should ‘never’ occur in the NHS.

Role of collaboration in providing holistic care for young people

01 July 2011

Mental Health Practice


Holistic, co-ordinated patient care requires good interprofessional collaboration. Two universities in Wales developed an interprofessional post-registration course...

Strategies to prevent restraint-related deaths

05 April 2012

Mental Health Practice


The prevention and therapeutic management of violence in mental health care and the risks and precautions associated with the use of physical restraint need to be...