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We have to become more political

01 December 2010

Cancer Nursing Practice


I Related to the points made by nicola James in her letter (cancer nursing Practice, october 2010, page 6) about the lack of political awareness among nursing...

Point of view A chance to influence policy

01 March 2010

Cancer Nursing Practice


A CANCER diagnosis is a life-changing experience, associated with considerable uncertainty. Patients often have to cope with unpleasant and debilitating treatments...

Invaluable support

11 May 2012

Cancer Nursing Practice


UK cancer strategies acknowledge the value of working with the voluntary sector. While strategic collaboration is essential, partnership working with service...

Breast cancer aware

01 December 2010

Nursing Older People


I read with interest the article by carol Davis in the October issue (Nursing Older People.22,8,6). The article summarised the findings of a UK study on age...

Overview of nurse-led clinics and their scope of practice

04 November 2011

Cancer Nursing Practice


A survey was carried out to identify the type of cancer nurse-led clinics established in one region of Scotland. It also aimed to establish the scope of the clinics,...