Continuity of care for adults living in the community who have been diagnosed with congenital heart disease
Intended for healthcare professionals
Evidence and practice    

Continuity of care for adults living in the community who have been diagnosed with congenital heart disease

Suzanne Fredericks Associate professor, Ryerson University, Toronto ON, Canada
Jennifer Lapum Professor, Ryerson University, Toronto ON, Canada
Jennifer Graham Member and advocate, Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance, Oakville ON, Canada
Jinal Patel Research assistant, Ryerson University, Toronto ON, Canada
Terrence Yau Professor, University Health Network, Toronto ON, Canada
Barbara Bailey Advanced practice nurse, University Health Network, Toronto ON, Canada
Ariane Marelli Professor, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal QC, Canada

There is a need for continuity of care for adults diagnosed with congenital heart disease (CHD) who have transitioned out of paediatric services and live in the community. The aim of this scoping review was to determine the types of psychosocial resources available to them. It examined English-language materials published or accessible between 1997 and 2018 that addressed CHD interventions. The findings suggest no psychosocial-based interventions for the adult CHD population have been evaluated. However, preliminary evidence begins to describe the needs and challenges of people with CHD in the community and primary care; it also identifies possible interventions that may require further exploration.

Primary Health Care. doi: 10.7748/phc.2019.e1486

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software


Conflict of interest

None declared

Fredericks S, Lapum J, Graham J et al (2019) Continuity of care for adults living in the community who have been diagnosed with congenital heart disease. Primary Health Care. doi: 10.7748/phc.2019.e1486

Published online: 30 April 2019

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