Promoting effective interventions for sleep problems
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Promoting effective interventions for sleep problems

Julie Sutton Independent learning disability nurse, Handsel Trust Sleep Practitioner training programme, Accredited by the Royal College of Nursing

Julie Sutton discusses how to be active in tackling sleep disorders and suggests ways in which this can be extended to support children with disabilities and their families

Health visitors and children’s nurses can do much to help families prevent the development of sleep problems in children with and without disabilities, and to treat existing disorder. Sleep difficulties among children with learning disabilities are common and receive inadequate attention in most practitioners’ training. This needs to be urgently addressed because untreated issues may persist into adulthood. A sound knowledge of sleep theory, the increasing literature on sleep, and the high quality sleep practitioner training that is available can all support health professionals in this role. Working in partnership with the family and carers is fundamental to success. Specialist services such as children’s learning disability nursing teams, child and adolescent mental health services and sleep centres can assist with complex cases.

Nursing Children and Young People. 23, 8, 14-18. doi: 10.7748/ncyp2011.


Peer review

This article has been subject to open peer review

Conflict of interest

None declared

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