Background Meaningful employment can promote emotional and mental health, yet there are concerns around the support offered to those experiencing mental ill health in maintaining or returning to employment.
Aim To evaluate the delivery of training by mental health nurses to staff in a benefits district in the west of Scotland.
Method The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) commissioned the delivery of a training programme for staff involved in job coaching. Six mental health staff from one university delivered training sessions to 61 DWP staff over a period of two months. Topics covered included first impressions, engagement, communication skills and problem-solving. Participants were given five statements about what they had learned during the sessions and were asked to indicate the extent of their agreement to them on a Likert-type scale.
Findings Participant feedback was mainly positive. Mental health staff involvement was crucial to the success of the training programme.
Conclusion Participant feedback supported the situated learning concept where learning takes place in the context of its professional application and through the involvement of experts and peer learners. Mental health nurses should be involved in the educational development of other staff groups and organisations involved in mental healthcare.
Mental Health Practice. doi: 10.7748/mhp.2019.e1395
Peer reviewThis article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software
CorrespondenceGillespie M (2019) An evaluation of nurse-led mental health training for benefits staff. Mental Health Practice. doi: 10.7748/mhp.2019.e1395
Published online: 14 October 2019
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