Nurses’ attitudes to supporting people who are suicidal in emergency departments
Intended for healthcare professionals
Evidence and practice    

Nurses’ attitudes to supporting people who are suicidal in emergency departments

Amanda Briggs Nursing lecturer, University of Bradford, England

The aim of this study is to determine emergency nurses’ knowledge about, and perceived ability to support, people who are suicidal. A questionnaire consisting of 34 questions was sent out to 113 adult emergency nurses employed in two emergency departments. A total of 38 responded. Findings highlight differences in attitudes and show a correlation between suicide prevention training and nurses’ perceived competence to triage people who are suicidal. The article makes recommendations for future research, as well as nurse education and training on suicide prevention, to improve attitudes and increase emergency nurses’ ability to respond effectively to people who are suicidal.

Emergency Nurse. doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1785


Briggs A (2018) Nurses’ attitudes to supporting people who are suicidal in emergency departments. Emergency Nurse. doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1785

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software


Conflict of interest

None declared

Published online: 04 May 2018

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