Safeguarding older patients
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Safeguarding older patients

Karen Grimshaw Associate director of nursing/nurse consultant for older people, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Karen Grimshaw discusses how staff can ensure that standards are maintained at ward level

Active involvement of patients, relatives and staff in the clinical processes of assessment, care planning, evaluation of care and audit of clinical practices can improve standards of care to patients and encourage an open culture in which concerns are raised and resolved promptly. Through good safeguarding practice, hospital teams can ensure that processes and systems of care are appropriate for individuals and do not subject patients to harm.

For staff to feel confident in reporting safeguarding incidents and raising patients’ or relatives’ concerns, they need to have confidence in the leadership and processes of safeguarding in their organisation. Safeguarding should focus on developing and improving standards of care, become embedded into the culture of the organisation, be seen as integral to the management and organisation of care and supported and promoted through clinical leadership.

Nursing Older People. 24, 7, 27-30. doi: 10.7748/nop2012.


Peer review

This article has been subject to double blind peer review

Conflict of interest

None declared

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