Building bridges
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Building bridges

Hazel Heath Editor, Nursing Older People

The RCN’s Bridging the Gap conference in York aimed to further understanding of older generations and explore partnerships. But it achieved far more than that. Hazel Heath reports

This month's recipe for a highly successful conference: take 350 nurses, older people and multifarious gerontological enthusiasts, your personal selection from 100 workshops, symposia, concurrent and plenary presentations, and an exhibition. Mix in congenial surroundings with interesting food, liquid refreshment and appropriate non-intrusive entertainment. Allow three days for the essence within the ingredients to permeate the overall mix, particularly the sharing, energy, enthusiasm, dogged determination and passion to make life the best it can be for older people. Above all, prepare well and be vigilant of how the mixture is developing.

Nursing Older People. 13, 9, 32-33. doi: 10.7748/nop.13.9.32.s17

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