The social history of learning disability
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The social history of learning disability

Helen Atherton Lecturer in nursing, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds at Purple Patch Arts, Bradford, West Yorkshire
Vicky Ackroyd Director of creative learning, Purple Patch Arts, Bradford, West Yorkshire
Rachel Barker Researcher, Purple Patch Arts, Bradford, West Yorkshire
Emily Moorhouse Researcher, Purple Patch Arts, Bradford, West Yorkshire

Helen Atherton and colleagues from Purple Patch Arts produced an animation inspired by research into the changing attitudes towards learning disability

Purple Patch Arts is an organisation based in Bradford, West Yorkshire. It works with adults and children to provide innovative education using the creative arts. In 2014, it was awarded a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake a project that would uncover the social history of learning disabilities and record it in a way that was accessible to a range of target audiences. This article describes the process that was followed and some of the challenges that ensued.

Learning Disability Practice. 19, 4, 14-17. doi: 10.7748/ldp.19.4.14.s19


Peer review

This article has been subject to double-blind review and has been checked using antiplagiarism software

Conflict of interest

There were no conflicts of interest in this study. Financial support was received from the Irish Hospice Foundation

Received: 13 November 2015

Accepted: 09 February 2016

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