Looking after service users part two: nursing versus social work
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Looking after service users part two: nursing versus social work

Alex McClimens Senior research fellow, Sheffield Hallam University
Sarah Burns Nursing lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University

Alex McClimens and Sarah Burns look at whether degree graduates who hold dual qualifications are in a better position than others to provide care

This article focuses on debates about which professional groups are best suited to providing care for people with learning disabilities. Traditionally, such care provision has been viewed as part of the nursing role, but as boundaries between health and social care become porous, social workers may become involved in some aspects of it too. The article presents the views of four graduates of a combined degree programme who gained a dual qualification in social work and learning disability nursing. They discuss their employment histories and how having the dual qualification affects their work.

Learning Disability Practice. 19, 2, 27-30. doi: 10.7748/ldp.19.2.27.s22



Peer review

This article has been checked using anti-plagiarism software

Conflict of interest

None declared

Received: 18 January 2016

Accepted: 20 January 2016

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