Enhancing well-being and building resilience in people living with cancer part 2: a central role for nurses
Intended for healthcare professionals

Enhancing well-being and building resilience in people living with cancer part 2: a central role for nurses

Sara Booth Emeritus consultant and honorary associate lecturer, Department of Palliative Care, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, England
Richella Ryan Hecturer in palliative medicine, University of Cambridge, England
Angela Clow Professor of psycho-neuroendocrinology, University of Westminster, London, England
Nina Smyth Senior lecturer in psychology, University of Westminster, London, England
Susan Sharpe Senior clinical nurse specialist in palliative care, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, England
Anna Spathis Consultant in palliative medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, England

Receiving a new diagnosis of cancer or of its recurrence is distressing and there are increasing numbers of people living with the disease, some taking continuous treatment, as well as others who have been cured. Living with cancer and the possibility of recurrence requires psychological strength to deal with the treatment, effects of the illness and uncertainty about the future. The attributes of self-efficacy and psychological well-being can reduce the effects of chronic stress. Excellent symptom control is essential and fatigue, the most prevalent and often most distressing symptom for those with cancer, requires targeted support. Well-being and psychological resilience may be improved by specific actions and psychological approaches, some of which are encompassed by Foresight Mental Capital and Well-being Project’s (2008) five ways to well-being framework, which can be used to deliver personalised care.

This is the second of a two-part article that reviews interventions promoting well-being and resilience in patients living with cancer. It describes the framework and suggests practical ways in which clinicians can integrate it and other interventions into clinical practice. It also offers time out exercises and a multiple choice quiz to aid readers’ learning and test their knowledge.

Cancer Nursing Practice. doi: 10.7748/cnp.2018.e1596


Booth S, Ryan R, Clow A et al (2018) Enhancing well-being and building resilience in people living with cancer part 2: a central role for nurses. Cancer Nursing Practice. doi:10.7748/cnp.2018.e1596

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software



Conflict of interest

None declared

Published online: 18 December 2018

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